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NO, A Flamenco Tale

Regisseur/in: Jose Luis Tirado
Datum: 2015
Sprache: Spanisch; Kastilisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5861794/
Abstract: NO, A Flamenco Tale is a fictional musical film, an urban, contemporary flamenco opera in which the action is expressed through dance and the original text is narrated through song.
Genre: Musical
Laufzeit: 75 Min.

Os Maias: Cenas da Vida Romântica

Regisseur/in: João Botelho
Datum: 2014
Sprache: Portugiesisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3230920/


The tragedy and comedy in Carlo's life begins, grows and ends like the tragedy and comedy of Portugal. In the company of his close friend, João da Ega, allegedly a brilliant writer, Carlos, with his idle existence as an aristocratic doctor, spends his time to enjoying friends and lovers. Until he falls in love. She is a new character in this revolutionary novel. It's a vertiginous passion that goes beyond that past gloominess to reach a new and darker abyss, incest.

Genre: Drama, Romanze
Laufzeit: 139 Min.

Per Ulisse

Regisseur/in: Giovanni Cioni
Datum: 2013
Sprache: Italienisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2960028

Alcuni individui, emarginati dalla società italiana, si riuniscono in un centro di socializzazione di Firenze. Hanno alle spalle esperienze con la droga, anni di prigione, ricoveri in ospedali psichiatrici e periodi di vita senza un tetto sulla testa. Davanti alle telecamere parlano delle loro esistenze, cantano e mostrano i segni di una vita che non ha perso il senso di umanità.

Marginalized members of Italian society gather in a meeting and welcome center. They have experienced drugs, prison and homelessness. Talking about their existence, singing and living life, they show that humanity is not lost. A visionary, poetic film referencing the masters of Italian cinema such as Pasolini and Bellocchio. A vibrant work that puts the sadness of the world to song.

Genre: Dokumentarfilm
Laufzeit: 90 min.

Pericle il nero

Regisseur/in: Stefano Mordini
Datum: 2016
Sprache: Italienisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4017052/
Abstract: A mobster becomes enlightened when he falls for a woman and decides to change his ways.
Genre: Verbrechen, Drama

Poesía sin fin

Regisseur/in: Alejandro Jodorowsky
Datum: 2016
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4451458/
Abstract: Through Alejandro Jodorowsky's autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist's youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Diaz Varin, Nicanor Parra... at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile's artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one's life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.
Genre: Biographie, Drama, Fantasy
Laufzeit: 128 Min.


Regisseur/in: Pablo Moreno
Datum: 2016
Sprache: Spanisch; Kastilisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4626160/
Abstract: The film tells the story of Pedro Poveda (Raúl Escudero), a tenacious and innovative priest who opens paths in the field of education and in the defense of the rights of women in early twentieth century Spain. UNESCO recognized him in 1974 as "Educator and Humanist" and Pope John Paul II canonized him in 2003.
Genre: Biographie
Laufzeit: 116 Min.

Praia do Futuro

Regisseur/in: Karim Aïnouz
Datum: 2015
Sprache: Portugiesisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2199543/


Der Rettungsschwimmer Donato arbeitet am Praia do Futuro, einem Strandabschnitt im brasilianischen Fortaleza. Er fängt an, seinem Leben zu entfliehen, nachdem er bei einem Rettungsversuch einen deutschen Touristen verloren hat. Während Donato immer mehr abgleitet, versucht ihm sein jüngerer Bruder Ayrton zu helfen.

Genre: Drama
Laufzeit: 106 Min.

Reza a Lenda

Regisseur/in: Homero Olivetto
Datum: 2016
Sprache: Portugiesisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5026038/

In an arid and poor region of Brazil, bikers search for a miracle to make it rain and save the land, risking their lives.

The film REZA A LENDA of Homero Olivetto (Bruna Surfistinha) is a kind of modern version of one of the greatest films in the history of national cinema, Black God, White Devil (1964) by Glauber Rocha. Because the items chosen specifically for the construction and composition of the plot.

Genre: Abenteuerfilm, Drama
Laufzeit: 87 Min.

Sangue del mio sangue

Regisseur/in: Marco Bellochio
Datum: 2015
Sprache: Italienisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2922590/
Abstract: Two haunting Italian tales from different centuries in the convent prison of Bobbio, caught somewhere between past and present: a young 17th century priest falls under the spell of a bewitching nun and a modern-day tax investigator tries to push a mysterious old man out of hiding.
Laufzeit: 106 Min.

Stella cadente

Regisseur/in: Lluís Miñarro
Datum: 2014
Sprache: Katalanisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2899768/


Colourful feature debut from experienced producer Minarro offers an almost hallucinatory look into the world of Amadeo van Savoy, who for two years was king of an ungovernable Spain around 1870. This intriguing episode is transformed into a plea for beauty, creativity and joy.

Genre: Drama, Geschichtsfilm
Laufzeit: 105 Min.

Tots els camins de Déu

Regisseur/in: Gemma Ferraté
Datum: 2014
Sprache: Katalanisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2349548/
Abstract: A contemporary evocation of Judas Iscariot trying to escape from his own guilt after betraying his best friend. He wanders into a forest and lost in himself, meets a mysterious young man. The young companion will accompany him on this path of repentance and penance and help him deal with his feelings, understand his guilt and cope with he has done. This is the story of the last three days of a repentant. 
Genre: Drama
Laufzeit: 70 Min.

Un nuovo giorno

Regisseur/in: Stefano Calvagna
Datum: 2016
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5593210

E' la storia di Giulio, che fin dalla tenera età si sente di appartenere a un corpo sbagliato: guarda le bambine e si sente una di loro. A 27 anni decide di operarsi e intraprende un viaggio a Bangkok, in Thailandia, per cambiare sesso e diventare 'finalmente' donna fisicamente e fisiologicamente. Un percorso che porterà la protagonista a rivalutare i propri rapporti con la famiglia e gli amici e a ricominciare una nuova vita in un corpo che la farà sentire finalmente a proprio agio nel mondo.


Genre: Drama

Une vie mineure

Regisseur/in: Simohamed Fettaka
Datum: 2016
Sprache: Französisch
URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5653874/
Abstract: Inspiré par le passage du poète allemand Hölderlin à Bordeaux, « Une vie mineure » est l’histoire d’un jeune écrivain en quête de reconnaissance. Venu pour enseigner la langue arabe aux enfants d’une famille bordelaise, ses aspirations sont brouillées au moment ou il retrouve une main en plastique, flottant au bord de la Garonne. Sous le regard lointain d’un homme mystérieux et reclus, le personnage s’égare alors dans une série de visions étranges et aliénantes. Il finira par être frappé par un phénomène corporel inouï.
Genre: Drama
Laufzeit: 68 Min.

Ventos de Agosto

Regisseur/in: Gabriel Mascaro
Datum: 2015
Sprache: Portugiesisch
URL: Gabriel Mascaro

The August winds gust and a poetic duel between life, death, loss, memory, the wind and the sea ensues.

Shirley has left the big city to live in a small seaside town and look after her elderly grandmother. She drives a tractor on a local coconut plantation, loves rock music and wants to be a tattoo artist. She feels trapped in the tiny coastal village. She is involved with Jeison, who also works on the coconut farm and who free dives for lobster and octopus in his spare time. During the month of August, when tropical storms pound the coastline, a researcher registering the sound of the trade winds emanating from the Intertropical Convergence Zone arrives in their village. The high tides and the growing winds mark the following days of the village and a surprise discovery takes Shirley and Jeison on a journey that confronts them with the duel between life and death, loss and memory, the wind and the sea.

Genre: Drama
Laufzeit: 77 Min.
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